쌉파써블 수능영어 User Data Deletion Insturction

As mentioned in our Privacy Information your personal data can easly be deleted by deleting your account in 쌉파써블 수능영어 application. If you follow the following instruction your personal data associated with 쌉파써블 수능영어 will be deleted.

* If you deleted 쌉파써블 수능영어 application without deleting your data, and you want to request your data to be deleted, please contact english@aha.center by email.

1. Open "Settings" tab and click on "계정삭제" text button.


2. Once "계정삭제" screen is open you can read about what happens after deleting your account.


3. Once "계정 삭제하기" button is pressed, the information related to your account deleted.
